One model that is introduced in his work is the "the three worlds" and its relations, mysteries and paradox. The idea is depicted below (taken directly from [1] ) and describes how the physical world of existance is governed by the laws of the platonic/mathematical world, while the mental world is a part of our mental world, while our mental world is a small part of physical existance!

If you - as I do - see the model as relevant notice the following 3 mysteries and one paradox:
- Why is it that only a small part of the world of mathematics have relevance to the workings of the physical world?
- Why does the mental world come about in association with only certain physical structures - healthy, wakeful human brains.
- Why does only a small fraction of our mental minds concerns itself with mathematical/platonic truth?
- Finally the paradox - how come the three worlds appear to encompass the next one in its entirety?
Whatever your standpoint, the model is so powerful and creates a reflection and controversy it deserves to be called a great idea.
[1] The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics (Popular Science)

[2] The Road to Reality : A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe

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