Saturday, October 3, 2009

Violence in Decline

In contrast to popular opinion, violence in the world has been continually declining since biblical times to the present. This continual decline correlates strongly with the gathering of societies in centralized states and democracies and in parallell to the increase in reason and technology. Especially, the 16th century - the start of the age of reason - marked the start of a unprecedented drop in violoence and rates of deaths in war.

See this great TED conference lecture by Steven Pinker for the whole inpiring story (see this to read the whole lecture). Enjoy!

According to Pinker, several theories have been noted to explain the effect. All of these have some truth to them I am sure:
  1. "Hobbes got it right" - In a state of anarchy, there's a constant temptation to invade your neighbors pre-emptively, before they invade you. A centralized state this is not such a great problem.
  2. "Life is cheap" - "When suffering & early death are common in one's own life, one has fewer compunctions about inflicting them on other. Technology and economic efficiency make life longer and more pleasant, one puts a higher value on life in general"
  3. "The non-zero sum game" - " certain circumstances, cooperation or non-violence can benefit both parties in an interaction, such as gains in trade"
  4. "The Expanding Circle" -Evolution bequeathed us with a sense of empathy. By default, we apply it only to friends & family, over history, the circle has expanded:
    -village->clan->tribe->nation->other races->both sexes.